I’m so grateful the village has your back!

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Sorry this happened, Colton. It may be hard to appreciate, but the fact that he hit your wheel instead of your head should be understood as a positive sign that there's hope for this guy.

I would encourage you to learn more about mental illness; this man pretty clearly is in need of professional psychiatric treatment. If there's any way you can help him get it, that might be the happiest ending imaginable here.

That would be much better for you both than a community beat-down or getting tossed into the local jail. Maybe as a side project? I'm sure he's not the only one who needs help...

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My son is in the PC in Jamaica. This scares me. PC has warned the PCVs that Jamaica is not a safe country. There are many gangs in Jamaica, and I your story brings to light that PC is not all roses and rainbows. Glad you are ok.

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I'm sorry that happened to you Colton. Not much you can do but shake it off and just see what happens. Crazy is never predictable. But it's better than downright malice. Just keep PC updated and hopefully it won't happen again.

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